Mermaid Wiki
This article is about Emma, a character from H2O: Just Add Water. You may be looking for other characters named Emma.
Emma With Locket

"I don't appreciate you calling my friend names. Emma may seem tough but she's easily hurt."

-Rikki, "Sink or Swim"

Emma Gilbert is one of the main characters who became a mermaid in the Australian television series, H2O: Just Add Water. Along with Cleo Sertori and Rikki Chadwick, Emma discovered her powers after her trip to Mako Island. Emma left the main cast after Season 2. She was portrayed by actress Claire Holt in live-action, and Eleanor Noble in animation.


Emma is mature, responsible, level-headed and confident. She is very driven, often bordering on controlling and sometimes pedantic, once even suggesting that she considers chewing a prescribed number of times before swallowing as a normal practice. She enjoys being the most organized and strives to do well to the point of being a perfectionist. She is the first one at work and the last to leave after closing. She often urges her brother and friends to do their work and can become paranoid over small things like being late for class. Her drive to appear confidant, skilled and in control can sometimes lead her into trouble like when she tried to show Ash she was a skilled equestrian or when she attempted to show Rikki she could be rebellious and fun to hang out with. Both times ended badly.

Most of the time, Emma is level-headed and is more than capable of showing empathy and compassion. While more sensible than Rikki and Cleo, Emma will still go above and beyond for the people she cares about, even trying to restore Louise Chatham's boat and offering her a place to stay. When Charlotte became a mermaid, Emma, like the others, wasn't thrilled but she strongly urged everyone to support Charlotte and she even tried her best to teach Charlotte how to use her new powers, despite their rocky history.

Her ideas for organization and control sometimes brings her into conflict with Rikki, who is Emma's polar opposite. Often times, Emma would disagree and argue with Rikki, who is her polar opposite. While in contrast to Rikki’s rebellious and care-free personality, Emma is controlling and organized. Because of their opposite personalities and different ideals, Emma and Rikki often argue and have various conflicts, leaving Cleo stuck in the middle of their fight.

When Emma first gets affected by the full moon, her inhibitions disappear and humanity slowly fades and gets replaced with a natural mermaid's mindset; though it starts out small as having no filter on her opinions. After changing into a mermaid, the changes to her mind really set in, even preferring her aquatic form over her human one; she finds legs weird, craves raw fish, and has strong instinct to go to the moon pool. Despite this, her own lust towards human boys stays the same as she shares kisses with Byron (while thankfully her tail is hidden) whom she had found attractive.


Emma has blue eyes and long golden-blonde hair that reaches to her waist. Her skin is quite fair and smooth, and she has freckles in Season 1. 

As a mermaid, her hair is always down and she gains a long, shimmering fish tail and a matching top of scales. In seasons 1 and 2, her tail is a coppery orange. Like the rest of the girls, her skin is glowing and ethereal when in mermaid form. 





